Hello everyone!
This month, I have two new promos to tell you about and there’s something very special in one of them.
That’s the title of the biography of my godfather. I started working with him on this in 2004 when I was selling my house in the UK. We spent over eight hours in interviews while he told me his life history, and it’s a fascinating one. It’s also a very gay one because he knew he was ‘different’ back in the 1920s, and left home when he was 14 (in 1933) to explore London, where he became a rent boy. He did that job, as he saw it, from the age of 14 to 19, before going to war in the Navy. There is much more that comes after too.
I am hoping that I’ll be able to put up some of our recorded interviews as audio files on my website within the next couple of months. More news about that in due course.
August Promos!
This is how I am getting my books known, and your participation is much appreciated. All you need do is click the link to the promo and browse some titles, no need to buy anything unless you want to, and it doesn’t cost a thing. What it does do is help authors like me receive more attention, and that’s always a good thing.
The two I have joined for August are these:
Mystery, thriller, suspense novels
102 titles
Running All month
In this one, I have my series starters: Deviant Desire, Guardians of the Poor, and Finding a Way.
This is a varied selection of 27 titles including biographies.
It also runs all month.
I have entered my biography of my gay godfather into this promo in the hope it will gather more attention. I have to say, it’s done very well in its first month, and that’s because I have been able to share it on social media historical info pages and groups. Places like ‘Memories of Old London’ have been interested because Bobby was from south London and lived most of his life in the city, while his life spanned from 1919 to 2007.
That’s it for now. I hope you have a great August. Thanks as always for your interest and support.