I’ve had this mad idea and I need your input, and I need it ASAP. Like any good story, it begins with a What if?
What if I asked you to list up to five of your favourite Clearwater/Larkspur/Delamere characters? Who would you list?
What if I then chose the five most popular and wrote a novella?
What if that novella was a collection of five short stories as told by the characters who have gathered together? (It might be they are stuck in a railway carriage, or by the fireplace on Christmas Eve… I’ll work that out later; it’s not important.)
And what if I put together the novella together in time for Christmas and you got a PDF/Kindle of it for free?

List your five favourite characters via my Facebook page (the thread is there, or just leave a random comment), via email or private message, and I will send out a Clearwater calendar to one contributor chosen at random at the end of next week (27th October).
FAST. I’d like to get started soon, so can I have your suggestions like… now? At least a couple to get me started.
WHO? Any characters. It doesn’t have to be the ‘canonical’ five (Archer, Silas, Tom, James, Fecks), and it doesn’t have to be a main player. It can be anyone from Mrs Killhaddock from ‘Agents of the Truth’ to Professor Fleet (Larkspur) or Jack Merrit (Delamere). It could even be one of the real names of history who have appeared; Bram Stoker, Henry Irving, Tennyson… Or someone that stands out in your memory for another reason… one of the villains, servants, East End renters…
(For a while.) My intention is to publish the collection/novella free to all my newsletter subscribers around Christmastime, and to put it in the ‘Jackson’s Deviant Desires’ private group for members. Sometime after Christmas, I may release it via the usual Amazon channels and put it for sale.
I’m going to put this post on my blog tomorrow for all those who follow my website but don’t use Facebook, so the details will be there if you lose this post/thread.
Get thinking, and put your suggestions in the comments, via my jack@ email, or my private message, and let’s have some fun!