Here’s an update on where I am with my current work in progress, Delamere Six. That might well end up being its title as nothing has yet sprung to mind. I am nearly at the halfway mark, well, nearly at 50,000 words and coming up to a nice twist, but things are going slowly. This is because of my arm injury, or ‘tennis elbow’ as the doctor called it. It’s a repetitive strain injury caused by typing and holding my tablet to play ‘Sherlock.’ So, I am trying to do less of both, and am doing more with my left hand, like lifting things and opening bottles. It’s amazing how weak the left hand/arm is compared to the right, but being right-handed, I guess that’s how it is.
Trouble is, it means I am doing less wringing too. Where I would normally aim for three to four thousand words a day, I am now only able to do two. That’s on top of the blogs, this one and my day-to-day life on a Greek island one, Symi Dream. This is why you might find my blog posts shorter than usual. At least until after I’ve had another treatment on the elbow thing, which should be in the next week or two.
Meanwhile, this week I am promoting a series of books that are all available on KU (Kindle Unlimited). You can click on any of these, and if you fancy their blurbs, you can find them in KU and add them to your reading list. Deviant Desire is in there along with some other intriguing-sounding titles and blurbs. ‘The Case of the Four Fingers’ looks interesting with two detectives one hundred years apart working together. I don’t have KU but I might buy it in Kindle format and download it to the tablet that way. Here’s the banner, just click it to find some new mystery, thriller and suspense reading.