You Won’t Believe Make Believe

It’s nearly the end of the month and ‘A Case of Make Believe’ is off to the proofreader tomorrow. The blurb is more or less done, the author’s notes are complete apart from a section about sewers (you’ll see), the cover is done, and I will finish it when I have had the back text checked. Usually, Andjela adds this and finishes the cover but she’s due to have a baby any day now, so we’ve made this alternative arrangement.

I’ll show you the full cover on Saturday, so stay tuned.


Coming up next month, apart from the release of ‘A Case of Make Believe’, we have two promos to help out with. One is what’s becoming my standard (and successful) Mayhem and Motives promo where several of us mystery writers get together to cross-share titles via one page. The others are an LGBTQ etc., Romance and Fiction promo, into which I have entered Banyak & Fecks, and an LGBTQ etc., romance promo into which I have put ‘The Mentor of Barrenmoor Ridge’ and ‘The Mentor of Lonemarsh House.’ There will be a newsletter coming out with all the details soon, so make sure you are subscribed.

You can subscribe here or by using the box at the top of the righthand column on any page.


For those who have read ‘Bobby’, the biography of my gay godfather, you will know that he was acquainted with Shirley Bassey (now Dame Shirley Bassey, singer of ‘Goldfinger’, ‘Diamonds are Forever’ and other great songs). I am about to send a copy of the book to Dame Shirley, or to her office, which may or may not reach her, because of all the famous people he met in his life, she is the only one still alive. Bob would have liked her to have a copy, I am sure, and I’d be interested to know if she remembers him, and the way her dog used to leap into his pond after she’d just had it groomed. (The dog, not the pond.) So, that’s this week’s admin, as is composing and arranging the newsletter, sending off the MS for ‘Make Believe’ and starting on the next book… Whatever that is going to be… I will have a look around some old newspapers from February 1893 and see what springs to mind.

You will soon get to see another character too, so keep your eyes peeled.

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