Today, I’m turning my Saturday blog over to a character, and not one of mine! For this exclusive, let me introduce you to Matt Jaxx, aka Michael, aka ‘Eve.’ Matt’s a stripper, and currently hosting a new reality TV series, ‘America’s Next Top Stripper’, which is also the name of the latest book in a series by Matt Converse, released only a few days ago. (All the links you need are at the bottom of the post.)
I’ve just read the blurb on the book’s Amazon page, and it sounds like a gripper. The story falls into the MM romance, thriller/horror genre so is just up my street, and to give us more of a taste of who to expect in the story, we invited its central character, Matt in for a chat.
Michael moved from Ohio to San Francisco at the age of 21. A few years later he reinvented himself as the stripper Matt Jaxx. He is the central character in all four books in the series.
What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?
My name is Matt Jaxx and my nickname is amusing— it’s Eve. Only a small group of people from my gay tennis league know me by that name. It was given to me by Bill, aka “Baby Jane”, who I first met when joining the league. He dubbed me as “the it girl” and it was a nod to Eve Harrington from the movie All About Eve.
Where and when were you born?
I was born in Ohio in 1984.
Who are your parents?
My Mom and Dad are both from Ohio, and my Mom remains one of my most cherished people. She has a heart of gold and would do anything for her kids.
What is your occupation?
I am currently a game show host on the new reality series America’s Next Top Stripper. I was a stripper myself for many years until recently retiring. I am also an author with several books in the M/M dark genre.
What is your hair colour and eye colour?
Brown hair and brown eyes.
What does your voice sound like?
Some say they can detect an “Ohio” accent but I think my voice is typical of a man my age, not too high, not too deep.
Looking back into the past, how would you describe your childhood?
Pretty normal Midwest upbringing that I have valued more as I have grown older and heard other people’s not so happy stories. I am very lucky. As a teen, I got some of the teasing a young gay boy would— even one totally in the closet. But I always had an inner confidence.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
Practise is how I became a popular stripper. I realized it wasn’t just about taking off your clothes, it was about putting on a performance and connecting with the audience.
When did you have your first kiss, and who with?
It was with Belinda Roeser in the 3rd grade on the playground. I honestly can’t remember my first kiss with a guy, so it must not have been the best!
What is your biggest secret? Does anyone else know about this?
I have a secret but only my best friends and family know. I may tell the world someday when I tell my entire life story in a book.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a sports writer.
Turning to your beliefs and opinions, Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
I do, even though it isn’t something I yearn for. I have always been pretty happy being single. But I have friends who have found this and I’m thrilled for them.
Who or what would you die for?
Nothing. That’s a bit too severe for me!
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
Torture, rape or kill I think would top the list.
Looking at your relationships, do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, tell us a little about him.
My boyfriend over the last several years was Justin, and we planned on getting married but are now just roommates instead. We decided neither one of us is ready for monogamy. Justin is one of the sexiest guys I’ve ever met. And his heart is huge—he’s a great guy who is honest, intelligent and just a good person.
Who is the person you respect the most, why?
My Mom. She has revolved her whole life around us kids, she would do anything for us. She has a heart of gold and to me, is a hero.
What do you look for in a potential lover?
First I have to be attracted, and for me, that can be any type. I tend to be drawn more to odd beauties. As for personality, intelligence and a sense of humor are a must. I want someone real, there is nothing worse than a phoney or someone who is pretentious.
Let us find out about your likes and dislikes… What makes you laugh?
Intelligent humor. Although, like anyone, there are times when really stupid things make me laugh too.
What is your most treasured possession?
A snow globe that was my Gran’s. When she passed away my Mom asked if I wanted anything of hers, and I chose the snow globe because as I kid I’d always shake it and watch it “snow” as a kid.
What shocks or offends you?
Any kind of prejudice.
What is your greatest extravagance?
I really don’t have one, the closest would be taking trips. I love a getaway.
How do you spend a typical night in?
It depends on the night! It can be anything from watching TV or writing to a night out at the club looking for boys!
What is your favorite color?
Red with silver a close second.
Do you like to read?
I like to read thrillers and horror novels. The scarier the better!
Now something more personal, if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Nothing. I like being me.
What three words would others probably use to describe you?
That’s a tough one without sounding cocky! I’ll go with funny, friendly and smart.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully in my fifth season of America’s Next Top Stripper. Still writing and I’m guessing still single and happy about it.
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your life?
I want to bring entertainment to people.
If you could choose, how would you want to die?
In my sleep many years from now.
Do you like yourself?
And finally, just for fun, what do you have in your pocket?
What is in your refrigerator?
Some dinners, juice, soda, the usual condiments and some wine for when I have a party.
Who would you invite to your ultimate dinner party?
Lady Gaga, Stephen King, tennis player Sascha Zverev, my friends Shawn, Tonya and Kevin.
Strip Shot, book 1 in the series.
We’ve all seen strippers up on stage. Did you ever wonder how they got there? The answer might surprise you.
Michael is a scrawny kid from Ohio who moves to San Francisco with his boyfriend Kenny. He loves everything about the city, except the guy he’s with. When things turn ugly, how will he escape and how will he survive on his own, completely alone in the big city?
Along the way, he meets an eccentric cast of characters in his own personal Oz. An unlikely and not so yellow brick road with unexpected twists and turns lead him to the stage, but what will he find when he gets there? Will he have what it takes to make it as a stripper? Sometimes, you only get one shot.
Universal buy link:
Behind the Velvet Curtain, book 2 in the series.

Obsexsion, book 3 in the series.
When sex and a deadly obsession collide, not everyone will survive.
Matt fears his nightmares are premonitions that the Creeper will return. Justin comforts him but they soon face possible separation. Can their love survive? Will Matt return to the stage? And if he does, what–or who–will follow?
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Book 4 in the series: America’s Next Top Stripper (A brand new story that can stand alone.)
Who will claim the crown of America’s Next Top Stripper? After retiring from the stage, ex-male stripper Matt lands an amazing opportunity to host the new show America’s Next Top Stripper. Judging alongside a supermodel, an internationally famed stripper, and a drag queen, the panel more than has its work cut out for them when ten gorgeous, diverse, and sexy men show up at the show’s mansion. Matt must resist a crush on the resident bad boy Ace to remain impartial as the head judge.
Through lust, greed, and camaraderie, these ten men must compete to be the best. Show after show, these men deliver sultry and sexy performances and one is eliminated each week. Finally arriving at the Top 5, things take a dark turn and secrets long buried surface.
In the world of America’s Next Top Stripper, who will win and who will survive?
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