Hi all, and welcome to February.
I have some new promos to share with you, plus some news on what I am up to. Let’s start with me. I am now over halfway through writing the first draft of ‘Acts of Faith’ the next book in the Delamere Files series (book number seven). I am aiming to finish the first draft by the end of this month, so, all being well, you might expect the book out in March. Maybe on Clearwater’s (and my) birthday on the 26th, we will see.
I am pleased to report that my three 19th century mystery series have been doing well, with some rising up and down various charts and reaching lofty heights (usually after a new release). My other books are doing okay too, but don’t get as much publicity as the Clearwater, Larkspur and Delamere collection, and that’s why I have some others in a promo this month, and they are ones you may not have heard of.
Here are the details of what you can find after February 1st (and, in the case of one, after February 8th, but I’ll remind you about that later too).
Discover New Crime Series
Here, you can find 34 titles, some of which are mine: Deviant Desire, Guardians of the poor etc. Also, though, you will see The Saddling, The Witchling and The Easting, three in a series of books also by me. The main character of these three goes on a journey of self-discovery in a place that hasn’t changed for hundreds of years and yet exists in the 20th century… I don’t want to give too much away, but think ‘The Wicker Man’ meets ‘Witness’ but gay…

LGBTQI + Romance Sales
I’m not 100% sure about this one, tbh. The header tells us you can find free books and ARCs at this promo, but mine aren’t being given away for free. Maybe I’m in the wrong group for this one, but take a look and see what you can come up with. There are 47 titles, including Banyak & Fecks and the Mentor of Barrenmoor Ridge.

First In Crime Series
Find some series starters in the crime genre with this promo where there are over 60 titles to explore, each with blurbs and links to where you can download or order them. Again, my usual suspects are in there, but this is one of the promos that does me well, so I’m staying right there.

Mayhem & Motives (From February 8th)
This is where I find most of my new readers these days, I’m sure of it. I work with Book Mojo from time to time and they do me well, so I like to support them back. In this case, they have 35 titles on offer.

There, that’s what’s happening with my self-promo this month. Feel free to throw those links around to all and sundry and do your bit to support indie authors.