Barrenmoor Ridge scores 9/10 at Noteworthy

Basking in the glow of a fantastic review of ‘The Mentor of Barrenmoor Ridge’ at Noteworthy Book Reviews.

Read the review here.

The Mentor of Barrenmoor Ridge

The Mentor of Barrenmoor Ridge – Kindle and Paperback

John understood his inexperience and led the way. When John’s mouth opened around Gary’s shaft, and the heat of his throat engulfed it, Gary moaned loudly and threw his head back. He’d never known this sensation, never been so wanted, never been made to feel so special.”

The Mentor of Barrenmoor Ridge

The Mentor of Barrenmoor Ridge is now available on Kindle (and in print in January 2018).

It takes a brave man to climb a mountain, but it takes a braver lad to show him the way.”

John Hamilton, at 36, is an Everest climber living an isolated life halfway up wild Fellborough in Yorkshire. He’s there to recover from the death of his lover and put his life in order. Gary Taylor, at 19, is homeless with no chance of a future. Gary finds a desperate way to make money but the plan backfires on him, and he finds himself on Fellborough, injured and close to death.

When John rescues him, the two soon come to realise that perhaps they can save each other, all they need to do is accept who they are and what they really want.

‘Barrenmoor Ridge’ is an MM romance novel with a thriller through line set in an unforgiving British winter, but hopefully, it will warm your heart.

More about my novels at this page.

Review: The Mentor of Wildhill Farm

Review: The Mentor of Wildhill Farm

It’s always special when you get a review from another author. Here is what Jackie Keswick has to say about ‘The Mentor of Wildhill Farm.’

Follow four young men and their mentor on a journey of self-discovery and never look at writing retreats in the same way again.

This ticked a lot of boxes for me. A great sense of location combines with situations and emotions many of us will remember from our own pasts to form a vibrant backdrop for five beautifully drawn characters who stayed with me long after I turned the last page.

This is a deftly woven story that offers plenty of introspection and a touch of sweet spiced with surprise while also managing to come across as very, very sexy.

It’s one of those books where I’m hoping for sequel…

Jackie Keswick, author of the Power of Zero series

The Mentor of Wildhill Farm, a MM romance with a goodly amount of erotica is available in Kindle and paperback.

The Mentor of Wildhill Farm

The Mentor of Wildhill Farm

When Camden Stevens, a 42-year-old writer, is invited to mentor four gay youths at remote Wildhill Farm, he finds himself with a dream, come true.

Logan, the 18-year old virgin, Dean the troubled show-off and Kenny the farmer’s lad, both 19, and Gabriel, the 20-year-old esoteric, are all keen to develop their skills. Cam’s job is to mentor them in their writing and their sexuality – and he has carte blanche to do that in any way he sees fit.

The boys are launched on a week of self-discovery as they explore their writing and each other through a series of erotic games. Somewhere, in the mix of youth and sex, Camden unexpectedly finds love.

The Mentor of Wildhill Farm paperback [249 pages. Coming soon]

The Mentor of Wildhill Farm Kindle [£2.22 – $2.99]

Other novels


The Mentor of Wildhill Farm: Kindle Edition

The Mentor of Wildhill Farm

The Mentor of Wildhill FarmThe Mentor of Wildhill Farm is now available on Kindle as an eBook download – and in Kindle Unlimited for free. This is a M/M Romance/Erotica novel (adults only) in the older/younger niche.

“Camden Stevens, a forty-two-year-old writer with a passion for younger men, is invited to mentor four gay youths at an isolated farmhouse. His students are budding writers in their late teens, all keen to explore their creativity — and sex. Camden must mentor them in both, and expects them to work hard.

What he doesn’t expect is a youth like Gabriel, and what he doesn’t know is that the man who set up this fantasy-come-true has a motive of his own.”               $2.99             £2.22

My Amazon Author page

The Mentor of Wildhill Farm: New Gay Erotica

The Mentor of Wildhill Farm

The Mentor of Wildhill Farm is my second full-length MM romance/erotica novel. I put it that way because, apart from being a romance, there’s a fair amount of erotica in it. I’m currently in the editing and preparing for publication stage but my wonderful cover designer has come up with a few covers. Here’s the one I am currently playing with. I think it says it all apart perhaps from the erotica element, but we don’t want to frighten Amazon.

The Mentor of Wildhill FarmThe Mentor
of Wildhill Farm

Camden Stevens, a forty-two-year-old writer with a passion for younger men, is invited to mentor four gay youths at an isolated farmhouse. His students are budding writers in their late teens, all keen to explore their creativity. And sex. Camden must mentor them in both, and expects them to work hard.

What he doesn’t expect is a youth like Gabriel, and what he doesn’t know is that the man who set up this fantasy come true has an ulterior motive.

The links will be posted here when the book is ready. It will be in Kndle format and available as a paperback.

Other People’s Dreams

Other People’s Dreams is a gay erotic thriller that combines the magic of the Greek islands with a story of obsessive sexual desire.

Gay erotic romanceOne yacht, a thousand islands and all the time in the world…

Four cute gay youths sign-up for the adventure of a lifetime; an all-expenses-paid sailing trip among the Greek islands. However, the boat’s wealthy owner, the handsome but troubled Jake Chambers, has a hidden agenda. His advertisement clearly stated, ‘Certain strings attached.’

Jake’s innocent crew become the victims of his obsessive behaviour when he turns his attention to each one of them in turn.

A stolen chance, lost love, a wrecked boat – If Jake can’t have those moments back, he must relive them, no matter the cost.

Other People’s Dreams paperback [248 pages. £7.46]
Other People’s Dreams Kindle [£2.27]