Yesterday I put a post on my personal and Jackson Marsh Facebook pages – a little quiz that went like this:
Just for fun – and NO Googling, because you either know or you don’t. What on earth has all of the following:
A spine, shoulder, tail, pin, toe, face, edge, heel, point and scales?
The answer is at the bottom of this page, if you click the link, you’ll find an image with all those things labelled, and you might be surprised.
Here are a few more clues:
I came across this information while researching for ‘A Case of Make Believe.’
The thing in question is not that big.
It was used more in the 19th century than it is now.
Not everyone would have one, but if you did have one, you’d know if you didn’t use it properly.
Before I give you the answer, I’d just like to bring you up to date on the currently running Crime Story promo which is still running and will be until the end of the month. If you’re into crime novels, then there are plenty to spark your interest here:

And now, the answer to the quiz – but have one last think before you click the button…
What on earth has all of the following:
A spine, shoulder, tail, pin, toe, face, edge, heel, point and scales?