Hello everyone. I hope you had a good holiday season and New Year and are back ready to give 2024 all the attention it deserves. I am. We’ve been away, as you probably know, so there’s not been much writing going on, but I am, today, getting back to it. I left ‘Follow the Van’ at 41,000 words, which is only a slight worry because it’s only about a quarter of the way in – but that means there will be lots of juicy bits to cut when I get to draft two. I’m back at the desk now and will be ploughing on and getting back to…
One of the main reasons for us going away was to see the Greek National Opera’s production of Sondheim’s ‘Into The Woods’, my favourite of his musicals. This, we did before I got ill (I had to miss our trip to the National Ballet later in the week), and what a production it was. I have always been mesmerised by the way a simple stage, lights and humans can transform a space into a world and tell a story; like putting together a good book and making something special from nothing. A fabulous New Year’s Eve treat followed by a dinner with our godson and his mum with whom we were travelling, fireworks over the Acropolis viewed from our dinner table, and generally, a great time had by all.

It included trips to the barber, a music store, a model shop, a musical instrument museum, various restaurants, a shopping mall, a proper cinema, a bowling alley, and many other treats and fun times. You can read more about them on my other blog this week; click over to my personal life blog at www.symidream.com and you’ll see many more photos.

So, I am back to work, and the work-in-progress blog will be here every Wednesday while the other general chat and research blog will be here every Saturday. Normal service can now be resumed as we steam ahead into 1892 during 2024.
I know what I mean.