A Question of Title

Hi. This is a quick update about the next novel and finding a title. I thought I had settled on ‘An Act of Faith’, and then I thought about ‘Acts of Faith’ because of what the story is about, but I found ‘Acts of Faith’ the reading equivalent of a tongue twister for some reason. Now, I am thinking of the title as being, ‘A Question of Faith,’ but that’s not 100% there. It should be ‘Acts of Faith’ as that makes most sense to the story, so I may go with that for now even though there are a few of the same titles out there. Having said that, the ones I’ve seen are all about religion, not murder in 1893, so I might get away with it.

Talking of getting away with it, we were away yesterday. I wet to see a chiropractor about my back and shoulder, and now have some different exercises to do which should, over time, alleviate the pain I suffer when writing, walking, sitting… I also have to do less writing and sitting but do more walking while things improve, but that’s okay. I’m, meant to be retired anyway. I also bought a new mattress and a new laptop which I am away to set up now – the laptop, I mean; the mattress should arrive at the end of March as it has to be handmade in Athens. Sounds glamorous.

I’ll give you an ‘Acts of Faith’ update on Wednesday, and leave you with these two shots from yesterday in Rhodes.

Sunny in the morning
Rain in the afternoon

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