Things To Do

The pieces of paper have come down from around my desk because the story is complete. The notebook is crammed with scribbles and things to check, but otherwise, the desk is more or less clear. Until the next time.

My view this morning

Things I have to do next:

I want to change a couple of names in ‘A Case of Make Believe’ because I want to use the names Fox and Sheridan.

I want to check over chapters 19 and 27 again because the point of view shifts and so does the tense, and I want to be sure it works.

Then, I must send off a copy of ‘Bobby’ to Shirley Bassey’s admin address in case she’s interested to remember him and her time in London in the 1950s.

Meanwhile, I must prepare the ‘Make Believe’ MS to send to be proofed.

But before that, I must come up with the final blurb and the author’s notes so they can be checked too.

Along the way, we need to apply for Neil’s Irish passport renewal, because it only contains two of his names and his UK one has all three, and the UK office won’t renew his UK passport until he’s changed his Irish one to reflect theirs, and it’s all very petty but has to be done and needs a covering letter.

(Must write a covering letter for Dame Shirley’s copy of ‘Bobby’ too.)

I need to get the ISBN number of the next book, and set up the front matter details.

Which reminds me, I must change the ‘Where There’s a Will’ files now the guys have added the title of the next book to the very end of that MS – this won’t affect sales or reads.

What else…?

Must get a newsletter ready as I have a couple of promos to announce for September.

I think that’s today’s list of things to do once I’ve posted this post.

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