Work In Progress 5.13

The Larkspur Legacy

This week I have a brief work in progress update for you.

Yesterday, I sent the first half of the MS off to be proofread. I am having a final read through, and when that’s done, the rest will be ready for proofing.

I’m still on track for publication on March 26th (or as soon after that date as Amazon releases the book), so there is not long to wait now.

Currently, my days are taken up with writing, re-reading, editing, and re-reading again.

The cover is ready but I must work on the back text and blurb, and the author’s notes which have proved popular in the Larkspur Series.

Once all this is done, and the book is out, I can turn my mind to The Clearwater Companion, the collection of series-related information and short stories I intend to put together for anyone who has read the entire two series. But that’s for the future. For the moment, it’s back to re-reading.

Made me chuckle

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